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Mayor gives feedback on community issues at imbizo

Ekurhuleni officials gathered in Tsakani to assure the community about service delivery matters.

Tsakani – A mayoral imbizo was held at the Malandela Grounds to brief locals on developments undertaken by the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality in various wards on May 18.

Mayor Nkosindiphile Xhakaza greeted the public by briefly describing some matters the mayoral committee had taken into high consideration.

“Our report contains all the issues confronted by Tsakani and Duduza residents. Among those matters, we have the issue of waste collection – waste is not being collected on time, resulting in littering.

“The issue of active and non-active cemeteries not being maintained to ensure dignity is preserved in those areas. Street lights – we have noticed our communities struggle to keep the streets lit at night.

“We are working towards change. We want to ensure that everything that is broken gets restored to ensure ongoing development in our communities.

“We are aware of sewage drains that need unblocking, reservoirs that need to be maintained, and there needs to be ongoing developmental strategies,” said Xhakaza.

Stock image of MMC Nomadlazi Nkosi.

Xhakaza said their focus is on six priorities, namely:
• Provision of services in a sustainable way, without standard compromise.
• Proper sanitation – maintenance of blue drop, clean water and consistent water flow.
• Proper supply of electricity
• Maintenance of all facilities – regular cutting of grass.
• Ensuring potholes are minimised and patched when necessary.
• Municipal financial base needs to be strengthened to develop new revenue centres.

The MMC of Developmental Planning and Real Estate, Nomadlazi Nkosi, delivered the service delivery report.

The gathering also aimed to identify new, urgent, and critical community challenges requiring government intervention and to promote community participation in improving residents’ living conditions. Nkosi said all the issues raised at the imbizo will be dealt with decisively.

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“In Ward 85, a street called Nyenyankulu needed grading, but the community stopped the grading process to request proper roads. The municipality stopped all grading work.

“Furthermore, a panel in Ward 85 Exts 6 and 12 needs regular clearance but, unfortunately, cannot be cleared due to churches built where the panels start. This prevents machinery from cleaning the panel. The issue will be forwarded to the city planners.

“In Ward 84, members of the community need potholes fixed. The Sivala ama Potholes programme will attend to this matter in July.

“In Ward 83, community members require resurfacing of their streets. The metro will attend to these issues in the new financial year.

“In Ward 84, a bridge needs repairing because it withholds the water flow and causes flooding. This matter is highly noted and shall be referred to the correct department.

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“Ward 84 further needs their roads repaired and the pedestrian crossing to ensure children’s safety.

“There is encroachment in Ward 83, where people are building on municipal land. This is not allowed, and we encourage the public to build on approved land. We will educate the public about this.

“Ward 86 has a programme that issues title deeds under human settlement. The programme is ongoing, and 3 000 title deeds were issued between Tsakani and Duduza.

“To eliminate illegal business trading in our community, we will educate the public about the requirements to own a business.

“The mayor has established a programme called Township Economy. It will educate and fund local businesses appropriately,” said Nkosi.

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