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Water shortages expected in Duduza

Residents urged to use water sparingly as water level decreases at Duduza reservoir.

Technicians are closely monitoring the water level at Duduza reservoir which has resulted in supply interruption to Duduza, Tsakani and surrounding areas.

To mitigate the effect of the supply interruption, the city has provided roving water tankers to the following affected areas:

• Duduza Extension 3
• Langaville Extension 10
• Tsakani Extensions 19, 20 and 21.

Residents are advised to avoid washing cars with hosepipes, but rather use buckets, avoid watering gardens during the day (rather opt for early morning or evening hours), and turn off taps while brushing teeth.

The community can also practice using water sparingly by taking short showers and by avoiding filling the bathtub, re-using water as much as possible, and by cleaning pavements by sweeping rather than using a hosepipe.

Residents will be updated of any development through the CoE’s digital platforms.

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