
Social development beneficiaries do well at varsity

Amina Maalo is in her final year of law.

Duduza – For the past three years, the Gauteng Department of Social Development in Duduza has monitored the success of foster care beneficiaries Elisa Magama and Amina Maalo.

Both from Duduza, Ekurhuleni, Magama and Maalo have been pursuing their studies in Bachelor of Accounting and Bachelor of Laws, respectively.

They have dedicated their academic achievements to the social workers who stood by them during dark and gloomy days.

Magama will graduate this year with a Bachelor of Accounting from the University of Johannesburg (UJ).

The numbers devotee says she fought against all odds as a child because most children who grew up without parents succumbed to teenage pregnancies, substance abuse, and gangsterism, among many other social ills.

The 22-year-old says she will continue to study towards a Bachelor of Accounting Honours at UJ and aspires to work as an accountant or an auditor.

“My academic journey should inspire other foster children. To everyone who is an orphan, don’t lose hope; focus on your studies so you can change the situation at home,” said Magama, advising the matric class of 2024, particularly those under the foster care system.

On the other hand, Amina Maalo (20) bagged a few distinctions in her progress report and will complete her third year of study at North-West University.

Maalo says she is determined to finish her Bachelor of Laws degree in record time.

A social worker under field and intake at the Duduza office, Dikeledi Nchabeleng, said Magama and Maalo must continue to lead by example and change the narrative.

“We wish them well as they complete their studies. They must go out there and represent us well. They were good children, very dedicated. They will soon be career women and must remain humble,” said Nchabeleng.

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