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Fibre installation angers Tsakani resident

Tsakani residents want the damage to their property fixed by contractor.

Tsakani – Extension Five residents are livid with the installation of Wi-Fi fibre in the area.
Residents allege they were not informed about the excavation beforehand and a number of them claim the digging process has caused damage to their property.
The continuous digging of trenches is also making it difficult for them to access their yards, especially those with cars.

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Some fear for the safety of their children, since the trenches have been open for almost a month.
Resident Buyi Skosana said these acts are a violation of their rights to privacy and living in a safe environment.
“We have tried numerous times to communicate with the contractor, but we are not being heard. Also, they have failed to respect our wishes, as some residents made it clear they did not want any digging made especially close to their gates. Now I must hustle to get inside my own yard. I had to collect sand and put it into the holes they have dug just so my car could reverse out of the yard,” she said.

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Skosana added she will be taking the matter further.
Another resident, Simon Ramothibe, said they want the trenches closed and the damage to property fixed.
“This mess they have left here is frustrating and annoying. Something needs to be done as soon as possible. We cannot live like this any longer. We feel violated and disregarded. These people need to fix whatever mess they have created here,” he stated.
Ward 85 councillor Moses Sibiya claimed they were not aware of the issues raised by residents.
“The person who is rolling out the fibre is not the metro but rather a private contractor. However, if there are any issues relating to the process, residents are more than welcome to inform us about it,” said Sibiya.
The contractor had not replied to African Reporter’s inquiries at the time of publication.

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