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Local high school takes part in suicide-prevention campaign

According to the Department of Health, on average, almost 3 000 people commit suicide daily.

Duduza – World Suicide Prevention Day was commemorated on Friday at Nimrod Ndebele Secondary School.
The awareness campaign educated learners about prevention and available helpful channels for those in need.
This was done in collaboration with Pholosong Hospital as the hospital’s staff of doctors, nurses and psychologists visited the school.
World Suicide Prevention Day is commemorated annually on September 10 to promote worldwide commitment and action to prevent suicides.

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According to the Department of Health, on average, almost 3 000 people commit suicide daily.
For every person who commits suicide, 20 or more may attempt to end their lives.
About one million people commit suicide each year.
Every 40 seconds, the loss of a person who killed themselves shatters the lives of family and friends.
Learners were also taught about how consuming poison affects a person’s nervous and respiratory system and how the poison can paralyse one’s muscles.

The awareness campaign tackles suicide prevention.

The International Association for Suicide Prevention also stated that one in every 100 deaths worldwide is caused by suicide.
Parents are urged to look out for symptoms, such as unexplained or unusually severe violent or rebellious behaviour, changes in sleeping patterns, drastic personality change, agitation, restlessness, withdrawal from family and friends and truancy.

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Anyone who might need help can make use of the following channels:
• National GBV Helpline: 0800 150 150
• LifeLine South Africa: 0861 322 322
• National Counselling Line: 0861 322 322
• Suicide Help: 080 056 7567
• South African Depression and Anxiety Group: 080 021 2223
• Toll-Free Crisis Line: 086 157 4747.

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