Rosettenville man makes corona earrings

Bongumusa Khumalo's creative mind is about to earn him a living.

A 32-year-old Rosettenville man, Bongumusa Khumalo, has taken what appears like the seeds of coronavirus from a tree in the area and made it corona earrings.

He said times are tough and with strict lockdown level four, it is hard to find yourself being unemployed in South Africa. So he picked up these coronavirus lookalike seeds that fell from a tree and turns them into jewellery.

“I’ve always loved art. Growing up I used to draw a lot and paint to express myself. When I saw these coronavirus lookalike structures fell from a tree nearby, I realised this can help me to earn a living.

“I then went to town and bought earring accessories with different kinds of paints to make these earrings. They are very popular and people love them,” he said.

This uniquely purple corona earring is made with diligence by Bongumusa Khumalo. Photograph: Lucky Thusi.

He sees himself as a mass producer of these earrings so he can create employment for himself and those around him.

“I want to better take care of my child, and that is a tall order being unemployed. That is why I will need people to order these earrings. They are not only beautiful but also a constant reminder to all of us that we are living with this pandemic.

“Besides wearing masks, these earrings can be a symbol that will always remind us to always take care of ourselves in these trying times,” explained Bongumusa.

They come in bright colours and are readily available. Anyone who is interested can contact Bongumusa on 065 803 4141.

Bongumusa Khumalo wants to produce these corona earrings in bulk. Photograph: Lucky Thusi.

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