SPCA resources under pressure

A sponsorship fee ensures the well-being of an animal of your choice until they are adopted.

The Springs SPCA took in 103 animals in April thus far.
The number of new animals puts an immense amount of strain on the SPCA’s resources.
The SPCA has requested residents to help in any way they can to ensure the well-being of these animals.
A sponsorship fee ensures the well-being of an animal of your choice until they are adopted.

Also read: Springs SPCA in dire need of food donation

Residents can help by paying a sponsorship fee, donating money, shopping at the charity shop or donating food and blankets.
The Springs SPCA is situated on the corner of Ermelo and Townsend roads in Strubenvale.
The SPCA may be contacted on 082 668 5230. More information is available on their Facebook page.

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