Man hijacked after bogus accident

Man hijacked on Post Office Road

A man was hijacked of his vehicle last Sunday afternoon after he was stopped by a fellow motorist who claimed the victim had hit his car.
The victim told the police he had stopped at the traffic light on Fifth Avenue when a man approached him saying he had hit his car and wanted money for the damages.

Also read: Man hijacked at Welgedacht T-junction

The victim told the man he only had R30 on him, which the man took and drove off.
Thinking that was the end of it, the victim drove to an ATM on Post Office Road, parked his car and went to the ATM to withdraw money.
When he got back to his car, he found the man who had stopped him earlier standing next to his car.
When the victim tried to get into his car, the man told him to sit in the passenger seat, which he did.
The victim was driven along Fourth Street, before the man stopped on Third Avenue where his accomplices were waiting.

Also read: Woman flees from hijackers by jumping out of car

Once they had stopped, the man took the victim’s cellphone and demanded more money.
After the victim informed them he didn’t have any money, a fight ensued which ended when the man showed the victim his gun.
Fearing for his life, the victim ran away leaving the men to drive off with his car.

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