Young girl raped at home in Endicott

Teenager raped in Endicott

A teenage girl was raped at her home in Endicott last Monday morning.
Springs police spokesperson Capt Johannes Ramphora said the victim was washing clothes with her sibling outside when they were approached by a man.
A business is run from the home and the man inquired whether they sold cigarettes.

Also read: Four suspects arrested for rape

The victim confirmed this and left the man outside while she went inside to fetch the cigarettes.
The man followed the victim into the house, dragging her sibling along with him.
Once inside the house, the man confronted the victim in the main bedroom and started searching through the cupboards but didn’t take take anything.

Also read: Eleven-year-old girl raped

He then turned his attention to the victim and started strangling her.
The man dragged the victim into another bedroom, raped her and fled the house.
No arrests have been made.

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