
Hijackings on the rise in Tsakani

Increasing concern the number of hijackings in the area in recent weeks.

Tsakani – Police are concerned about an increase in the number of hijackings in the area in recent weeks.
To avoid becoming a victim, motorists are advised to take note of the following precautionary measures:
• Be aware of your surroundings at all time in order to notice if you are being followed.
• If you are being followed, drive to your nearest police station.
• Do not leave your vehicle parked overnight on the pavement.
• Do not park in isolated areas at night.

Also read: Woman hijacked after meeting up with friend

• Do not stop on the road during the night for any reason.
• Do not offer lifts to strangers at any time, day or night.
• Always have your cellphone location on.
• Keep sector vehicle numbers on hand.
• If you do not have an automated gate or garage, call someone at home to open the gate/garage for you.
• Be alert at all times.

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