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Footbridge’s first phase complete

“The stream has been here for ages and when it rains the floods makes it difficult for people to get across."

Tsakani – The first phase of the community footbridge which links Extension 13 and Ekuphileni is now complete.

The project started last November. Ward 84 councillor Philisile Masina explained the footbridge will provide a safe
crossing for children and the elderly.
“The stream has been here for ages and when it rains the floods makes it difficult for people to get across.
“We have had two incidents in the past where two schoolchildren got swept away by floods and unfortunately neither of them made it out alive,” she said.

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The councillor recalled an incident she witnessed as a learner – that of a heavily pregnant mother trying to save her child from floodwater.
“She lost her child in the end and it was heartbreaking to watch,” she said.
Masina said when she became a councillor one of her top priorities was to address such challenges.
“Learners from Ext 13 mostly use this crossing when going to school.
“During the rainy season when they get back from school sometimes the whole stream is flooded, and because they are children they have no idea how powerful the water is.
“I have asked the department of roads to at least build something which will help the community to safely use this crossing joint,” she added.

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The stream runs from Lwamondo, passes through Ext 15 and 16 and then continues to Rockville Sewage.
“I can proudly say it is safe for children and elderly people to use.
“We will continue with phase two as soon as the budget has been made available.
“Our goal is to build a high-quality bridge which will be safe for residents to use,” she said.

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