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Be safe on the road and avoid road rage

Protect yourself. If you are dealing with an aggressive driver, make sure your car’s doors are locked.

Kwatsaduza – Many people will be travelling to different destinations during the festive season with their loved ones.

There are different drivers on the road, including aggressive drivers who often cause major concern and are a real threat to the safety of all road users.

Aggressive driving is defined by the SAPS on their website www.saps.gov.za as: “Any unsafe driving behaviour, performed deliberately and with ill intention or disregard for safety.”

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In extreme cases, this may escalate to road rage, which is a violent criminal act involving the intention to cause physical harm.

On the SAPS’s website, they shared some tips on how to deal with aggressive drivers, plus helpful hints to reduce your own stress while driving:

• Protect yourself

If you are dealing with an aggressive driver, make sure your car’s doors are locked.

If you are stopped in the traffic, leave enough room to pull out from behind the car you are following.

If an aggressive driver confronts you, call 10111 or drive to the nearest police station.

• Do not take it personally

Be polite and courteous, even if the other driver is not.

Avoid any conflict, if possible.

If another driver challenges you, take a deep breath and move out of the way.

Never underestimate the other driver’s capacity for causing harm.

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• Reduce your own stress

Understand that you cannot control the traffic, only your reaction to it.

In the end, you may find that personal frustration, anger and impatience are the real danger zones on the highway.

• Be a courteous driver

You can set a good example, which can help make our roads safer.

Control your anger.

Avoid making eye contact with an aggressive driver.

Do not make obscene gestures.

Do not tailgate.

Use your horn sparingly, even a polite honk can be misinterpreted.

Do not block a passing car.

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