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Seasoned runners receive green numbers

“They should be motivated that an old man of my age is still able to run an uphill race and finish at 9:43:39.”

Kwatsaduza – Two proud long distance seasoned runners from Kwatsaduza received their green numbers for running their 10th Comrades Marathon on Sunday in Durban.

Kholiwe Khoza from Ulinda Athetic Club finished her run in 11:23:26 and Velaphi Chiya, who was running in the men 59-60 category finished in 9:43:39.

Kholiwe says getting the green number is a big achievement for her because no one can use the number except herself.

“I started running while I was still in school and I have never looked back. My first Comrades Marathon was in 2009.

“This was the toughest Comrades Marathon race that I have ever participated in because it was the up-run.\

Also read:Ulindi runners bag medals in Comrades Marathon 2019


“I struggled and had an injury at 30km but I pushed myself until the end because for every runner participating in the marathon being crowned with the medal is a big achievement,” she says.

Kholiwe explains that preparing for Comrades Marathon is not easy because one has to wake-up early in the morning to run before going to work and even on weekends there is no rest.

“I am encouraging the ladies to also start preparing and to join the running clubs in their area.

“Comrades Marathon is not only for men but also for women,” she says.


Also read: 38 KwaThema athletes earn medals at the Comrades Marathon

Velaphi says he dubbed the 2019 Comrades Marathon as #turning60 in relation to his 60th birthday.

“My first long distance race was in 1980 for 42km in Standerton and I have been running on and off through the years.

“I am running to motivate and encourage young people to participate in sports and keep healthy.

“They should be motivated that an old man of my age is still able to run an uphill race and finish at 9:43:39.

“I am also calling on my peers to start practising a healthy lifestyle and to keep fit,” he says.

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