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Rude doctor cancels patient’s operation appointment at Pholosong Hospital

“I tried explaining to her but she threatened to cancel my operation if I said one more word.”

Tsakane – Cancer patient Nkele Maqozolo fears for her health after her operation to remove cancerous lumps at Pholosong Hospital was cancelled by an angry doctor.

Maqozolo (61) was scheduled to undergo the operation on April 22 but booked to be admitted to hospital two days prior to the operation to enable doctors to run medical tests.

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But on the day she tried to get herself admitted. One of the doctors who was on duty told her she needed to leave and only return on the morning of the operation.

Maqozolo says she was shocked by the doctor’s assertion and tried to explain to her why she was scheduled to be at the hospital earlier.

“She was very rude, unprofessional and shouting at all the patients in the ward.

“She told me that she needed the bed for sick people.

“She said I am not from London, I can come to the hospital on the morning of the operation.

“I tried explaining to her but she threatened to cancel my operation if I said one more word.

“I told her I was in pain but she said I was acting like a drama queen and she was discharging me and cancelling my appointment,” she says.

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Maqozolo says the following day she went back to the hospital to lodge a complaint with the hospital’s control department who promised to investigate the matter.

“They promised to contact me when they have a hearing date but I have not heard from them since.

“I fear for my health because I don’t know how far the cancer has spread because I am always in pain and I live on painkillers,” she says.

The Gauteng Health Department was approached for comment but had not responded at the time of publishing.

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