
Zitshele… (Tell yourself)

We were taught that the best expression of humility is to wait to receive a compliment instead of saying good things about yourself.

As a result, I believe, many people are left wanting.

“Ungazitsheli” (don’t tell yourself) they would say.

No matter how beautiful, smart or accomplished you may feel, you can’t say it.

Especially in the presence of others.

Unless you don’t mind being labelled proud.

People are walking around with the deep need to be validated.

They are thirsty for attention, in the hopes that they would get that validation.

In fact, the extreme is that unless people recognise and tell you about the good traits you possess, you don’t believe it.

So many people have given others the power to define them.

What if no one tells you ‘you are beautiful’?

Does that mean you aren’t?

Isn’t that why we have ‘like’ buttons on social media?

Even if I never speak to you as long as I ‘like’ your posts, we can stay friends.

Well, we got it twisted.

Real confidence, the kind that will sustain you through the good and the bad, comes from within.

Until you believe that you ‘are’ there, there is very little that people can say to make you get it.

What would happen if we made it our own responsibility to validate and encourage ourselves?

People who get offended by others speaking positively of themselves are usually insecure.

I mean why would it bother you that someone recognises something good in themselves?

What does that have anything to do with you?

And even in the things we are trying to improve in ourselves, patience, kindness, it would do us some good to confess what we want to see.

So maybe before you present yourself to the world, before you place a demand for our attention and compliments, have a good conversation with yourself and tell yourself everything you desire to hear.


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