
Business owners warned by police

Duduza – The local police are urging all business owners to be extra careful after closing shop for the day.

This comes after a group of armed robbers has been terrorising businesses, robbing them of cash, says police spokesman Sgt Harry Manaka.

“The warning follows the brutal shooting of a prominent businessman in Duduza on December 31.

Read: Business robbery investigation ongoing

“The deceased, Joseph Jabulani Ndlovu, famously known as ‘Jika’, was fatally shot in his house on New Year’s Eve at about 9.45pm.

“At the time of the shooting, he was in his yard, where he operated a liquor distribution business, when three armed men forced entry and shot him in the chest and fled the scene with an undisclosed amount of cash,” says Manaka.

He confirms that the Duduza police are investigating a case of murder and robbery.

The police also appeal to all local business owners, especially tavern and tuck shop owners, to be cautious, especially after hours.

Read: Business owner robbed

They should also take extra precautions when they go to sleep at night or when they open shop in the morning, as he says this was not the first incident where a business owner was attacked in one month.

“Three other businesses were robbed in the month of December and the owners were also shot in the process.

“These thugs have been described as cruel and merciless. They are very dangerous and will shoot at any sign of resistance.

“Business owners are therefore urged to re-enforce their security measures,” he warns.

Manaka further advises that owners should keep their doors and gates locked and not to open to strangers.

“Police are conducting random patrols and have also intensified their visibility and investigations.

“Business owners who, however, find themselves in trouble, can contact these emergency numbers in Duduza: 071 675 7028, 071 675 7230 and 071 675 6978.

“The community is also asked to assist the police with any information that could lead to the arrest of these criminals, while they are also asked to continue being vigilant even after the festive season,” he says.

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