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Help your child if they did poorly in school

The new academic year is about to start and if their grades weren't up to par last year, here's how you can help them.

First of all, always refrain from shouting.

If you overreact and get into a shouting match with your child it may drive a wedge between the two of you and possibly cause your child to be reluctant to talk to you about things in future.

Cool down before talking further to your child and let him or her know that you love them and only want the best for them.

If you overreact you may damage their self-esteem.

Talk calmly to them and try to find out what caused the bad grades.

It will help you get a better understanding of what happened and how to deal with the situation.

If you can figure out what the cause is, the next step is to take action and deal with the problem.

If it’s time management and they didn’t get enough studying done beforehand, you may want to look into extra classes or tutoring, possibly even helping out yourself if you have the time.

Your child may also suffer from anxiety, depression or other mental issues which need to be dealt with as soon as possible.

If you feel the issue is serious, contact the school and set up a meeting with the teacher to establish what areas your child need help with.

Do not punish your child, keeping them away from fun activities or other delights may have the opposite effect and may not contribute to their improvement.

By all means, make them understand that low grades are not acceptable, but offer help instead of punishment.

Use a calendar to create a plan for studying and doing homework, but be sure to stick by the rules.

Engage with your child regularly to see how he or she is doing and offer your assistance, make sure your child knows that you are willing to set aside time for him or her.


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