
Get some alone time

Kwatsaduza – I am all for a good night out, spending time with family and friends.

I am a lover of music, arts, playing sports, doing craft and sometimes watch a nice movie or visiting a friend.

There are also those days when I will enjoy a day outside, grabbing lunch or having a great massage.

But what I enjoy the most, which most people don’t know and which I never get tired of, is spending time on my own.

This is something that has always set me apart from most of my friends and they have never understood why I do it so much.

I on the other hand ask myself why they are so afraid of spending time alone.

I ask this because people sometimes seem surprised to hear that I cope very well going to eat on my own, watch a movie on my own, spend a day at home on my own – among other things.

And the truth is, I just don’t get bored and love my own company.

This however, by no means says I don’t love people, because I do.

I just feel that when I spend time on my own I relax better, reflect more, plan effectively and I am able to figure out what I love or dislike – and where I am heading in my life.

There are also moments when I feel being alone, I avoid things like getting caught in people’s drama, gossip and tantrums.

Being by myself, I can also sit in silence just for a moment, especially since my life is always so busy with entertaining other people.

On the other hand, there is that level of satisfaction of being able to do what I love, when I want without the trying to please someone other people.

Furthermore I am able to do all that I wish to do, without the issue of having to first wait for someone else to be ready to do what I desire to achieve at that point.

I therefore truly recommend everyone should, even if it is just for a few minutes a day or month, spend some time on their own.

This way you will be able to learn to simplify your life, clear your mind, have an accurate perceptive, learn more about yourself and will become less dependent on others.

In addition to that, if your life is of a fast pace, you will slow down, you’ll remove yourself from unnecessary situations, save money and find ways of making yourself happy.

Most importantly, you’ll learn about your strengths and weaknesses, priorities, think of things toughly, know what matters might be more productive.

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