
Let’s kill abuse in our community

Kwatsaduza – It’s every parent's dream to see their children go into marriage with a partner who loves and respects their child.

But the reality is that it’s the child’s choice to marry whomever they fall in love with and see fit as a life partner.

Our parents nurture and teach us basic principles to live by in hope that we make sound and right decisions in all aspects of our lives.

We all have made poor decisions growing up resulting in our parents being disappointed in us.

In a case of one finding oneself in a toxic relationship or worse an abusive marriage, parents and families lose the power to help.

I have seen many women subjecting themselves to abuse; be it verbal, physical or emotional abuse all in the name of love.

What bothers me the most is the denial that comes with the whole situation.

It’s disturbing and emotionally draining for one to watch their loved one being abused and not being able to help them.

With that being said, I’m quite aware that there is a psychological element involved when it comes to abuse, but usually, family and friends see the warning signs way before the victim and many times, the victims refuse to admit that there is a problem.

I can only imagine how a parent feels when they know their child is drowning but they are unable to assist.

The question I then ponder is: Is the victim or the abuser at fault?

I query this because as two adults in a relationship they ought to be conscious about their actions and decisions.

Every person knows that it’s illegal to lay a hand on someone and every adult should know when they are being mistreated. But with all that we ‘know’ we still sit with deaths because of abuse cases.

Society has stood up against women abuse and educated men to stop abusing women; but again what has that done to help the thousands of women and children who are scared to scream for help?

I think we should go back to our families and homes, where the actual problem emerges.

If we as parents, aunts and uncles take it upon ourselves to educate children about the ramifications of abuse and what it does to one, I believe we can raise women and men who know what to do when faced with temptations to be abusers.

We all have a role to play to kill this social monster that has taken away our sisters and brothers.

Let’s be a society that aims to prevent social problems as opposed to coming up with solutions after the damage has been caused.

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