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No electricity in Extension Three

KwaThema - Residents of Extension Three, KwaThema picketed outside the KwaThema Customer Care Centre (CCC) on Tuesday morning.

The angered residents claim their electricity was cut off without any notices or valid explanation.

“What frustrates us is the fact, we go and buy electricity at supermarkets and we are unable to load it because we’ve been blocked,” say the residents.

Many say they have been without electricity for three days now and it’s cold and they are unable to cook or keep warm.

Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (EMM) officials from the finance and human settlement department came out to address the crowd to try and find the solution.

Mosa Masilo, from the human settlement department, explained that the situation could be a technical problem from the EMM’s side because residents of Extension Three don’t have accounts with the metro.

“We will work to find the source of the problem and fix it, but residents should also try and get informed about procedures and go to their CCC to inquire when they have issues as opposed to picketing and causing unnecessary confusion,” he explained.

To verify the accusations, metro officials checked the electricity cards which some brought and some were indeed blocked and some were not.

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