
Time is money

Respect goes beyond the way you address somebody or the choice of tone you use to speak to someone.

Respecting someone’s time is also an element of respect.

I know many of us are guilty of not keeping time when we have appointments with people and that may send a bad message to the other person.

Time management is a skill and not all of us are born with it, which means we need to learn that skill in order to survive.

It’s okay to be late for a meeting once in a blue moon, but you shouldn’t be known for walking into a meeting when your boss is about to wrap it up.

With our busy lives these days it proves to be a challenge for working moms to stick to times because they have different roles to play at home and at work.

At some point you just feel that there isn’t enough hours in one day.

I mean, I’m one person who tends to struggle to keep to times. Even when I really want to be on time, something happens to delay me.

At some stage I feel like people think I do it intentionally.

I’ve come to realise that time management goes hand in hand with planning long term,

for instance, if you know you will be organising a baby shower for your best friend in a couple of months time.

Planning months ahead will help you get to everything in time and not hinder your work life.

I normally hear people say, “You make time for everything in life.” Now, I really have to agree with that.

If you really want to get something you will make time for it.

As you get older and older you start understanding the importance of keeping time and respecting other people’s time.

Imagine losing a job because you kept missing the bus and being late.

Time management is a very crucial skill to teach your children from a very tender age so by the time they enter adulthood it is drilled into their system.

We all know that not sticking to time also leads to excuses, and no one wants to be known as a story spinner.

Time is a very important element in our lives today, because everything we do involves time.

So if you, like me, need to sharpen your time management skills, then it’s best you get started today.

Just a little advice – start by setting your alarm clock half an hour earlier to start your day early.

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