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Ikageng donates to centre in Springs

Springs - The National Executive Committee of Ikageng Women’s Club donated toiletries to residents of Esda Frail Care Centre in Springs last Friday.

The Women’s Club has 26 branches across the country which all share the same principle of giving back to the community.

They chose to donate to Esda Frail Care Centre because one of their founder members, Madgri Mhlala was once a resident at the home.

Ikageng donates to the home annually.

National president of the club, Mookho Kodisang says as a women’s club they sought not only to run programmes within their organisation but to also make a difference in the lives of their communities.

“As a women’s club, we try and help our communities at large by donating to the less privileged community members and those who seek our help.

“Every year we make donations to various organisations and individuals as responsible women in the community,” adds Kodisang.

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