
Create a beautiful environment for all

Kwatsaduza – You are on your way home, feel your stomach grumbling, so you take a detour to the tuck shop or petrol station to grab a quick snack which will sustain you till you get home.

As you open it, you start munching and it is so nice and tasty you eat it all the way through.

But as soon as you finish it, you take the packet and, without any thought, just throw it on the ground and move on as if nothing has happened.

Well, this is the reality of what is happening around us and in our daily lives.

We tend not even to think of whether what we are doing is wrong, if we would do this in our own home, how this affects our environment and what message we are sending out to those around us, especially our future generations.

Not only does it create a dirty and unbearable environment for others to live in, but as time goes on this dirt piles up and becomes a health hazard for others.

We forget that when we litter, that one piece of paper each of us toss onto the ground, combined with that of others, piles up and may easily travel to dams, storm water drains and wetlands.

The rubbish also gathers in illegal dumping sites and may in the long run attract rats. Or a child may pick up your very same plastic bag only to eat and choke on it or cover their face and suffocate from it.

What,then, does this say to people visiting our areas about us?

Why not show some love for our fellow community members and instead use the nearest dustbin you come across to throw your rubbish in, because at some point when you become so used to throwing this rubbish on the ground or the floor that at times you don’t even notice when a dustbin is just in front of your eyes.

Should we rather not show some love and care for ourselves, our environment and other by picking up after ourselves, as getting people to come and clean up after us is also a costly exercise.

Would we rather not see tax money being utilised for something better and more positive.

We can all make a difference if we all start today to make sure we keep our yards, streets and even our neighbourhoods clean, beautiful and safe environments for all who live in and around it.

Keep your rubbish in a plastic bag if you have to, until you can make it to a public dustbin or home, where you can empty it out without having to feel embarrassed or ashamed of yourself.

This can surely make our living spaces more beautiful and can also help our environment to be a cleaner, fresher and more pleasant sight, so that even the younger generation can learn about the importance of caring for nature and our human resources.

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