
Stop killing the police

Police officers have fallen victim to criminals resisting arrest and trying to escape.

With the high rate of crime in our communities, the government is forced to employ police officers to ensure that the areas where we live are safe. Criminals are not happy about this and, as a result, they continue to kill police.

I can only imagine what goes though the minds of the police when they wake up each morning and get ready for work.

I have no doubt that there are some who ask themselves if they will return home to their loved ones after work or is it the last time they will see their families.

Not a week goes by without us hearing or reading about a police officer being killed while on duty.

In each local or national newspaper, there are at least two stories about different incidents where robbers opened fire and killed the police.

I cannot help but ask myself if the criminals receive training or host workshops to teach each other how to shoot and not miss the target.

Due to the increase in the number of police officers being killed, young people have lost interest in pursuing their dreams of becoming police officers one day.

Police die and leave their families, wives and children, with no one to take care of them.

It is clear that when criminals kill police officers, they do not care about the future of these officer’s children.

I have seen so many protests and marches taking place against poor service delivery, women abuse and crime, and I think it is time that the nation stands up for the police and acts against them being killed like insects everyday.

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