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Deep level draws with World XI

The game between the World XI and Deep Level ended with a draw of 1-1.

The game was played at Tlakula Ground on Sunday.

The weather was perfect, allowing both teams to play at their best.

World XI was attacking from the start of the game while Deep Level seemed to struggle to defend.

During the first half of the game, the first goal was put behind the net by Mpho Mlangeni of the World XI.

The game continued with no team managing to score a goal until the referee blew the whistle to end the first half.

After the break, things seemed better for Deep Level.

They played and attacked more during the second half of the game until Mzwakhe Nyawo scored an equalising goal for the team.

The whistle to end the game was blown to end the game and the overall score was 1-1.

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