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Karate veterans open new home

“This club will be a home to any sporting code, from karate, boxing to even aerobics,” he added.

Kwa-Thema – Three veteran karatekas in Kwa-Thema have come together to form a new karate team, Lebogang Martial Arts and Sports Academy, at the Riba Boxing Club.
The dojo started operating three weeks ago after it was closed for renovations for months.
Instructor Thabeng Kgeletsane said the members were part of other dojos but decided to start their own.
“This club will be a home to any sporting code, from karate, boxing to even aerobics,” he added.

Also read: Local karatekas shine

Any interested member may join the academy.
Kgeletsane added sports not only help one keep fit and healthy but also teaches discipline.
“We need young people to be off the streets and keep busy through sports. This will also help fight crime and substance abuse,” he explained.
The seniors train every morning from 07:00 to 08:00 while junior members train from 16:00 to 17:00 on weekdays.

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