The unsung heroes of golf

A good caddie can help carry a golfer to victory

Caddies are essential to a golfer’s success and are often overlooked.
Three caddies from the Springs Country Club Noel Statu, Jerry Gianni and Richard Wosa have played a key role in countless competitions that have taken place at the course.
A caddie’s services includes carrying a player’s bag and clubs, and providing advice and moral support.

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Being long-time caddies at the country club, Statu and the others know the course like the back of their hands.
They know the terrain and all its variations, and can offer tips that could mean the difference between loss and victory.
The caddies are the first to arrive at the course and report to the caddie shack first thing in the morning, before any of the golfers arrive.
During big competitions, they will be assigned to a certain golfer. On more casual days they will offer their services to any passing golfer.

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With Covid-19, the caddies have been assigned the extra task of making certain all golfers wear their masks and sanitise before taking to the course.
Many of them are also skilled drivers and will drive players in golf carts from one hole to the next.

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