Boys hygiene also important

Putting boys' hygiene in the spot light

Kwa-Thema – Kamogelo Ramogale is running Dignity Packs for Boys, an initiative which aims to empower the boy child, under her NPO Rare Talents Project.

The project provides toiletry packs to deprived young boys within Kwatsaduza, and is supported by The Lifestyle Gallery.

“I have always been an advocate for the well-being of boys and men, but it was mostly verbal.

“I was pushed to start the initiative when I saw my younger sister coming home with a female
dignity pack from school and was told that only girls receive them.

“I was bothered by the fact that there are boys who also need the toiletries, but they are being sidelined simply because they don’t menstruate.

“Seeing there are already so many initiatives concentrating on girls I thought giving attention
solely to the boy child (and older men in need) will allow me to run longer miles,” said Ramogale.

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The initiative started in March and was implemented last month.

“We receive donations from members of the community in the form of items such as toothpaste,
toothbrushes, face cloths, soap, body lotions, deodorant and razor blades, or people send us money and we buy the items.

“We then package the items and donate them.

“We have partnered with a few charity organisations that have existing databases of males in
need so we deliver the packs to the organisations, and community members also help by making referrals,” she added..

They have worked with the following local organisations: Duduza Baptist Church, Blessing
(under Back to God Christian Fellowship), JE Malepe Secondary School, Charisma Life Tabernacle and Mwari Pizza soup kitchen initiative, Sweetness Moepye and Sizakele Valashiya.
Project coordinator Vusumuzi Mabena explained they are looking for ways to expand the initiative.

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“At the moment we are doing it as a drive due to resources, but we are hoping to expand and reach more individuals who are in need.

“With the project we want the boy child to feel just as important and know that they are cared for,
we want to groom them into becoming positive contributors in society,” said Mabena.

For more information, contact Kamogelo Ramogale on 065 988  7528 or on Facebook (Kamogelo Ramogale).

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Xoliswa Kali

As a journalist at Caxton Community Newspapers, I produce engaging and informative content for various online platforms, covering topics such as sports, politics, entertainment, and lifestyle. I use my skills in web editing, social media management, and Google analytics to optimise the reach and impact of my articles.

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