
Six nabbed in Duduza for disregarding lockdown regulations

Duduza SAPS station commander, Lt Col Bheki Mhlungu, expressed disappointment that there were still people who chose to disregard the regulations of the lockdown

In an effort to enforce the regulations of the national lockdown as announced by President Cyril Ramaphosa, the Duduza police have been hard at work, ensuring that residents comply.

Six people were arrested for disregarding the regulations of the lockdown.

They were arrested in different areas around Duduza just hours after it came into effect.

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Among people arrested were those who were selling liquor, violating the Disaster Management Act of 2020.

According to Sgt Harry Manaka, one of the men was arrested at John Dube Village on Friday after the Duduza police noticed that he was operating his shebeen.

He appeared in the Nigel Magistrate’s Court on March 30 and was fined R5 000.

In another case, a 24-year-old man was also arrested on March 31 in Lekope Street, Sotho Section, for selling cigarettes and other items not listed as essentials during the lockdown period.

Speaking after the arrest, the Duduza SAPS station commander, Lt Col Bheki Mhlungu, expressed disappointment that there were still people who chose to disregard the regulations of the lockdown and thus putting lives of ordinary South Africans in danger.

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He believes that the lockdown was not put in place to punish the community but to manage and reduce the spread of Covid-19.

Mhlungu further warned the community of Duduza to work with the police in adhering to the call by the president to stay at home in order to reduce the spread of the virus.

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