
Share a bit of love

We all deserve love regardless of what situation we find ourselves in.

We all deserve love, regardless of what situation we find ourselves in.

This month of love I say let’s give love all around us, but most importantly let us not judge those out in the streets, trying to survive.

Sex workers also deserve love, respect and security.

Yes, in South Africa prostitution is illegal and there are laws in place which also prohibit other aspects of sex work, such as owning a brothel and so forth.

However, we can no longer ignore that criminalisation of sex work has not prevented people from selling sex to make a living.

I believe that people are sometimes forced to make tough decisions in order to survive.

Most women turn to prostitution just to put food on the table, to ensure that their children do not go to bed hungry and that they receive better education.

Also, why is it that in most cases the women providing sexual services in exchange for money are the ones who are shamed, bashed and judged but never the men who are paying for it?

Currently, sex workers are fighting for the decriminalisation of sex work, which I support as an alternative because the criminalisation has made it easy for them to be exploited.

Those who work for brothel owners are made to work long hours and split their money with these owners. Sex workers are also being abused physically and emotionally.

It exposes them to danger because at the end of the day they have nowhere to report hideous crimes committed against them.

There are different laws in place in terms of sex work globally, but it is affirmed by the international Labour Organisation.

This is the month of love, what better way to express love than to give unconditional love to those who need it most?

At the end of the day, if two adults make a decision on what to do with their bodies then it is within their right to do so.

I am not promoting prostitution, I am saying let us learn to respect each other and spread the love.

And do not forget to give a tip after the service.

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