
Disabled man tied up during Wright Park house robbery

His wife found him on the floor when she came home that evening.

A wheelchair-bound man was tied up during a house robbery in Wright Park on Monday morning, says Springs police spokesperson Capt Johannes Ramphora.

The victim was alone in the house and the front door and gate were open for him to go out during the day.

He heard a knock at the door and saw two suspects standing at the door, asking for work.

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Suddenly there were four suspects in the house.

They tied his hands behind his back and tied his feet together with brown tape.

They left him on the couch and went outside.

Later they came back and took the complainant and his wheelchair to a back room where they left him tied up on the ground.

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His wife found him on the floor when she came home that evening.

The couple discovered that their vehicle, a 2003 beige Mazda Drifter, registration number HC46TD GP, was stolen as well as two sewing machines, two cellphones and a man’s ring.

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