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KwaThema Primary School learners taught that sharing is caring

“We came up with this initiative to discourage a culture of always receiving, but never learning how to give to or share with others.”

KwaThema – KwaThema Primary School collected non-perishable food to donate to the survivors of the floods that ravaged Durban in April this year.

According to teacher Lulama Mahanjana, this was done to not only help the victims of the floods, but to teach the children the importance of giving.

“Our learners have been fortunate enough to receive uniforms, stationery and meals while at school.

Also read: KwaThema Primary School grateful for donation of uniforms

“We came up with this initiative to discourage a culture of always receiving, but never learning how to give to or share with others,” she says.

The school contacted disaster relief organisation Gift of the Givers, which will be collecting the food items on June 14 to take to Durban.

According to Mahanjana, an invitation was extended to other schools in the area to donate food, with KwaThema Primary being the drop-off point.

“We invited other schools by way of letters, but because donations were only open until the middle of June, they did not have enough time to follow the correct procedure of getting the buy-in from their school governing bodies and parents before starting the project,” she explains.

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Mahanjana says they are thankful to the parents for helping them collect the food items.

“We are thankful to the parents for sending the learners to school with the food items and the response to our call for donations.

“We are positive that the lesson to share and give to others has been learned,” she concludes.

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