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New beds for Tsakane Old Age Home

Mokubung says the home is excited about the beds as the residents have been using the same beds since 1990 when the home opened.

Tsakane – The residents of Tsakane Old Age Home received 34 new beds, blankets and lounge suites from Ernest Stanley.

Manager of the home Phoko Mokubung says the process started when they applied for a donation from Gibela.

“We applied for the donation and were one of 15 NPOs who were invited to present on why we should be funded.

“We were successful and were given R150 000 to buy what we needed, but because we initially needed R180 000, the corporate social investment (CSI) managers of Gibela, Pholoso Kgasoane and Loyiso Jiya, introduced us to Ernest, who assisted us with the beds,” he says.


Tsakane Old Age Home elderly shown some love

Mokubung says the home is excited about the beds as the residents have been using the same beds since 1990 when the home opened.

He also says the home is waiting for more donations, which include tiles, a new ceiling and a door that will divide their hall.

Ellias Gqatsha Molefe, who has been living at the home for five years, says he is very happy about the beds.

Sitting on one of the beds, Molefe says: “I am not moving from this bed.

“It’s not like the old ones that sink in.”

Mokubung says the community does not need to only make donations to help out the home, but can also give of their time.

“The community can help the home by coming to help us with cleaning, gardening and spending time with the gogos,” he says.

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